Yorkshire Puppies for Sale Miami

With the purchase of your puppy:
- 14 days of warranty
- 1 year warranty
- Health Certificate
- Deworming
- Shots- to date
- 1st Vet Visit
- Registration Papers
- Dog Training
The Yorkshire terrier is a canine breed product of the combination of Scottish and English terriers, which originated when a part of the population of Scotland was displaced, due to the Industrial Revolution, and settled in England.
What is known is that the breed came from three different dogs, a male named Old Crab and a female called Kitty, while the name of the third female is unknown. They also figured among the first animals that gave birth to the breed the Paisley terrier, a smaller version of the Skye terrier that was bred for its long, beautiful and silky hair, the Waterside terrier, and the Clydesdale terrier. Some authorities believe that Maltese was also used. A. Foster summed it up as follows: “It was complete and originally created from the terriers of Scotland and is shown as such … the name of the Yorkshire terrier comes to mind having been perfected in Yorkshire.”
The characteristics of this breed are: small size with an approximate weight, according to breed standard, of 3.2 kg (7 pounds) and its hair is brown, black and gray. The original Yorkshire terrier was a dog about 6 to 7 kilos (13lb to 15lb approx.) In weight, and was used to hunt rats and other rodents.
The hair on the body should be moderately long, completely straight (not wavy), shiny, silky in texture, not woolly.
Head – Rather small and flat, skull not very prominent or round.
Mouth – The snout not too long, black nose.
Eyes – Medium, dark, bright, intelligent expression.
Ears – Small, V-shaped, erect, not widely separated, covered with short hair.
Amputated Tail – Longitudinal with a lot of hair. No amputation: With enough hair, darker color than the rest of the body, especially at the end of the tail.
Paws – Short, hairy